EsadeGov Professor Tamyko Ysa belongs to the Committee of Experts for the Transformation of the Public Health System that has drawn up the report.

November, 09 2020   |   Editorial office

The Catalan public health system is based on universal coverage, funding through taxation, and free and equal access, principles that represent a great social achievement which has been maintained ever since its creation. The system responds to and consolidates the reality of the country and the historical peculiarities of the Catalan healthcare context, a consequence of the work done by civil society, social organizations and local government, among others. The model thus opts for the utilization of all existing healthcare resources, whether publicly or privately owned (mixed health system), to realize the constitutional right to the protection of health. This system is recognized internationally for its good health outcomes at a low unit cost in comparative terms.

The Catalan health system is comprised of both public care and private (i.e., privately funded) care. This document as a whole refers to health care funded with public resources. The Catalan health system is made up of a large number of healthcare and non-care professionals and professions that play a decisive role in delivering the service to the citizen and must necessarily be the main actors of the transformation of our health system. In view of the main purpose of this report, which focuses on the improvement of the health system as a whole, some of these specific healthcare professions, sectors and activities are not mentioned specifically and will need to be analyzed when considering the general proposals contained within the report.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on our society. The health system has displayed a notable response capacity at a time of maximum need. Despite all the tensions inherent in an unprecedented situation, transformations have been made in record time, showing great flexibility to adapt to the necessities of the moment. The response to the pandemic has highlighted once more the resilience of professionals and citizens and their commitment to the system. Nevertheless, the situation has revealed the need to consider and bring about structural changes, some of them claimed for years, in order to enable a better response to societal changes, matching services to citizens’ needs.

Eighty-four percent of citizens think it is desirable to make reforms in the health system after the experiences of recent months. Allocating more economic resources, increasing staff, improving coordination, and providing facilities and technological resources to prevent new pandemics are the main reforms quoted as being necessary by citizens. European Union aid funds will merit special attention in the coming years, with an eye to them also being allocated to developing specific measures for the modernization and reform of our health system.

The health system proposed in the report is based on the following inspiring principles:

  • Sufficient funding
  • Solid public health
  • Modernization of center management
  • Integrated care model
  • Professional leadership
  • Citizen participation
  • Competitive research and innovation
  • Digital transformation

Document “30 Mesures per Enfortir el Sistema de Salut”



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