The initiative has been developed to support the health system and all healthcare professionals in the improvement of cancer care management for long-term survivors.

November, 09 2020   |   Editorial office

The reflections arising from this project will help to shape the lines of a common cancer care model.

In the same way, they will offer the administration and health professionals the possibility to develop specific proposals for change in that context, through an implementation guide and a technology innovation platform involving all the stakeholders of the National Health System.

The project is backed by a strategic and scientific advisory group formed by 20 professionals with expertise in various disciplines belonging to the country’s main health organizations, scientific societies and bodies.

“It is necessary to promote and bring closer interdisciplinary criteria allowing more standardized care management of long-term survivors. In the future, roles and care protocols will include a closer partnership between hospital oncology, primary care and psychosocial and palliative care services. And this evolution must be shared by the different agents if it is to be successful. The project represents an example of collaboration between the healthcare sector and the private sector which opens up opportunities to explore future challenges that will affect the National Health System, patients and the well-being of society,” said the Director of the Institute for Healthcare Management at ESADE, Manel Peiró.


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