Jordi Hereu, Mayor of Barcelona, has chosen the theme ¿Administration as an instrument for creating social cohesion¿ for his graduation address to the 3rd year of ESADE¿s Executive Masters in Public Administration. The ceremony will take place at 12.30 p.m. on Wednesday 22 November at ESADEFORUM (Av. de Pedralbes, 60-62). The event is open to the general public, but anyone wishing to attend must confirm their attendance with ESADE¿s Public Relations Department, by telephone (934 952 064 - 932 806 162, ext. 2529) or by electronic mail (

November, 13 2006   |   Editorial Office




The EMPA Masters is an offshoot of the Public Administration Management programme, first held in 1987. This year¿s twenty-six graduates are all public administrators, mostly from the Generalitat de Catalunya or city councils or public companies throughout Catalonia. On average, they have eight years¿ experience in managerial or pre-managerial posts, and 27 % of them are women. 


The EMPA takes an integrated approach to the manager¿s role in administering public organisations. It is designed for professionals whose duties include either management or policy design and implementation, or hold advisory roles in any public sector organisation. Its structure involving two complementary training cycles ensures a progressive enhancement of management skills.






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