Presentation of the report drawn up in the framework of the ESADE-PwC Observatory for the Transformation of the Public Sector.

November, 09 2020   |   Editorial office

Human capital is a strategic instrument for guaranteeing an effective and efficient public sector performance which translates as high productivity levels with reasonable public spending. The crisis caused by COVID-19 has revealed many of the weaknesses of our public administration, which has had to face the complexity of the crisis with a public service model that has remained unalterable for decades. It is foreseeable that in the wake of the pandemic we will need to make profound reforms to our institutional political system, and the reform of the public service, delayed for many years, seems destined to be one of the outstanding matters in the policy cycle that will open up at that moment.

In this context, on October 14 the ESADE-PwC Observatory for the Transformation of the Public Sector presented a new report, drawn up by its Research area, which offers 20 proposals for the future to advance toward greater professionalization and training for public servants in Spain and the reforms to be addressed in the management of public talent, with the aim of achieving an efficient and properly scaled public sector.



  • Welcome: Koldo Echebarria, Director General of Esade, and Santiago Barrenechea, President of the PwC Foundation.
  • Presentation of the report “Public Talent for an Administration after the Corona Shock”: Oscar Cortés, report director.
  • Dialogue: José Luis Escrivá, Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations, and Rafael Catalá, report director; Minister of Justice (2014-2018).


Document “Talento público para una Administración tras el corona shock: propuestas para una reforma ineludible”

More about the Observatory here.

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