The Observatory, spearheaded by the EsadeGov PARTNERS Program and La Unió, will identify successful cases of public-private partnership that have achieved the expected public policy outcomes in meeting the challenges of COVID-19.

November, 09 2020   |   Editorial office

The pandemic caused by COVID-19 is highlighting the need for governments and administrations to collaborate with the private sector and civil society in order to respond to the health, economic and social crisis, with agile and efficient partnership solutions. In this context, some outstanding experiences of great interest are being developed between civil society, the private sector and the public sector.

Since the creation of the project in 2009, the Observatory has sought to document, analyse, make known and systematically spread public-private partnership (PPP) best practices in Catalonia in the fields of health care and social affairs, with the object of building a cross-cutting learning community.


More information about the call here.

More about PARTNERS and the Observatory at

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